Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What are some precautions
to take to prevent food borne

Well for one we could stop adding a bunch of junk chemicals to make them look ore appealing to us and just take it as it is. Stop being so judgmental! We could also become more strict when it comes to the filtering proses, and even do a monthly or weekly check on the prodce.
if we do a better job at taking care of our food as it was one of our own we wouldnt have all the problemes we have today. Would you poison someone just so you could get more money, your children, your bestfriend, or even your parents just so you could get money for your product?
All we would have to do is mearly let mother nature take over, and do our best to just make everything as good as it could be. Take the nessecary pucations but done use science as the onlty solution for a good and healthy looking product, but possibly as a last resort but nothing to harsh and extream that it would effect the safty of the human race.

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