Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is the green revolution good or bad? support your position.
The green revolution is for the best. It is all about saving our planet and making our lives in this world better. With the world at its tip top shape will will never run out of the essentials, such as food, water, and fresh air brought to us by the trees and all of these is what we need to live. As log as we take care of the world as it has taken care of us then we will be plentiful. No more pollution will make it so that we will not one day cause the ocean to raise twenty feet and kill most of the worlds population and keep the worlds weather patterns in place so that we wont have unexpected weather storms and one day have a second ice age.

Go Green!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What are some precautions
to take to prevent food borne

Well for one we could stop adding a bunch of junk chemicals to make them look ore appealing to us and just take it as it is. Stop being so judgmental! We could also become more strict when it comes to the filtering proses, and even do a monthly or weekly check on the prodce.
if we do a better job at taking care of our food as it was one of our own we wouldnt have all the problemes we have today. Would you poison someone just so you could get more money, your children, your bestfriend, or even your parents just so you could get money for your product?
All we would have to do is mearly let mother nature take over, and do our best to just make everything as good as it could be. Take the nessecary pucations but done use science as the onlty solution for a good and healthy looking product, but possibly as a last resort but nothing to harsh and extream that it would effect the safty of the human race.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Discuss the importance of eating lower on the food chain.
When you eat lower on the food chain you are eating all the healthy natural things the world has to offer. To much meat could be bad for your health and cause death much sooner than it should be. Balancing our eating habits with the green of this earth can not only decrease the obesity rate and make everyone healthier and decrease the death rate, but it will give mother nature the time to rebuild its one vast verity of creatures that we have killed for food of for our own selfish reasons. In conclusion eating on the lover part of the food chain would be good for the important things in life, and life itself for all.

In your opinion based upon Earth after people what is the biggest impact humans have had on the planet?

Humans have taken many things from the earth and enhanced them with man made postilion's and other such things that change us. These things may give us more from the earth but at what coast? We're killing off bees which supply us with a third of our food and other such animal types such as the dodo bird, mountain goats, and many other things that affect the food chain causing more animals to go extinct, Just like the polar bear.

If it wasn't for trees we and all the plants around us we would be unable to breath and with the fumes from cars we are slowly killing our ozone layer which is letting the suns heat reach us but not leave causing the world to then over heat and in the end the waters in the world will raise about twenty feet causing most of the land to be under water. For example, north America will be covered in water, except for central America.

All these building that we have built and other things such as the Ifle Tower which are built to seismic standards yes but is no match for what the can really do. All we have done is taken the earth and domesticated it. Its animals, used its natural resources for our own selfish reasons and we will all die from it. The biggest thing we have done to this earth is just to use it for selfish reasons.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


.Give three examples of how individual characteristics influence population size.

Meny things cand effect population size. Such as food and living conditions.

With a lack of food no one will be strong enough to live so they will just die off or if they dont get enough some cultures will die off at a young age. Living conditions are also included in this. Those who are unable to get good food or even enough of it are usually poor. In some cases what will also affect this is genes. sometimes it may be in the genes to die of heart failure, diabeties, or some other deases. this can cause people to die off maybe at a young age, and those lucky enough to live to an old age are few making a certain age population go down and a young population. All things can effect a population count.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why its important to eating lower on the food chain.

The food chain is a delicate system and we are all part of it. The food chain starts out with the tinniest thing that is eaten buy a bigger thing which then goes on to be a sours of of food and nutrients for some
other large creature and it goes on to do the same thing. but if you took out the little things then what would happen?
Honey Bees. Honey Bees tend to feed 1/3 of our food supply through pollination and then in turn feeds bears and also us to. without the bee to do all that is does we would be very low on our food and starve.
Wails have to eat fish and fish have to eat the plankton and sharks eat anything that they can get their teeth on so it all evens out, because somewhere around the world in sure someone eats shark.
Every part of the food chain is important and fragile, one wrong thing could destroy the entire system, even the entire world.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some animals like dinosaurs seem awesome yet are extinct; others like cockroaches seem to be everywhere. If some animals and plants are individually stronger, why is it weaker animals and plants thrive?

The small animals can adapt much faster. Most things in the background seem to always be the strongest even though the bigger ones are physically stronger and the small miniature creatures can adapt to almost anything, unless it's like extreme weather that would like kill off any living thing forcing a new species that would be able to live in unlivable habitat. Anyways, the big creatures are just too big and there is no way they could adapt fast enough in a drastic change. Bigger creatures such as dinosaurs are just too big.