Why its important to eating lower on the food chain.
The food chain is a delicate system and we are all part of it. The food chain starts out with the tinniest thing that is eaten buy a bigger thing which then goes on to be a sours of of food and nutrients for some
other large creature and it goes on to do the same thing. but if you took out the little things then what would happen?
Honey Bees. Honey Bees tend to feed 1/3 of our food supply through pollination and then in turn feeds bears and also us to. without the bee to do all that is does we would be very low on our food and starve.
Wails have to eat fish and fish have to eat the plankton and sharks eat anything that they can get their teeth on so it all evens out, because somewhere around the world in sure someone eats shark.
Every part of the food chain is important and fragile, one wrong thing could destroy the entire system, even the entire world.